Monday, August 26, 2013

Forms of Agape: Prayer

Agape: from Greek meaning Love.  That is how defined Agape.  When you look at the word don't you also see agape, like with mouth agape.  God's pure and unconditional love for us can certainly cause one to respond with mouth agape.  He loves us no matter what we have done, who we are or how much we have.
Since the theme of Kairos is "listen, listen, love, love" we use the term Agape to refer to cookies, notes, posters, prayer and financial support.  Remember these are not Agape, they represent Agape.

Prayer:  Kairos #49 needs your prayer.

  • We covet your prayers for the outside leadership, inside leadership, the women who will be participants, Warden Anderson and Chaplain Campbell as we prepare for this important weeked.
  • You can sign up for the prayer vigil
    • As soon as I figure out how, I will be putting the prayer vigil up for you to sign up to pray at particular time(s) during the weekend
  • You can put your name on the prayer chain.  
    • This is a beautiful visible representation of prayer and love.  Names of those who are praying during the weekend are written on paper strips which are stapled together and during the "You are not alone" talk inside team brings the chain into the room and surrounds the group with love and prayer.  
Peace & Blessings,

The prayer chain which circles the meeting room.  As it is brought in the only sounds you hear are gasps and sighs and wonder.

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