Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gearing up for Kairos #50 March 6-9, 2014

Yesterday we had our second team formation meeting for Kairos #50 at Camille (women's facility in Columbia).  If you are not familiar with Kairos read earlier posts to find out more or visit one of the links

Feel to comment here or email me at for more information.

Prior to our team formation meeting yesterday we had a quarterly reunion with our inside Kairos sisters.  To open our time together their praise dance team did a very spiritual and moving piece, one sister sang The Lords Prayer and the choir sang.  It was a great worship experience (as usual).  Then we broke up into small groups and discussed the questions on the grouping card.   The heart of the Kairos ministry is that after attending a Kairos weekend the residents of the prison will form prayer and share groups to meet weekly in fellowship and prayer.  They start with a prayer inviting Jesus to "come join us"
Jesus Come join us in our journey as we seek Your will
for this community in this environment.
Teach us to love each other as You love us,
to give ourselves as You give Yourself, 
so that the Kingdom of God might be made present to all.
Then answer questions together:

  • Can you share any moment when you have known that Christ's presence was with you?
  • Have you discovered anything, anywhere (reading, a message, songs, a study) which will help you to be a better follower of Jesus?
  • Has there been a time when, through some word or action, you tried to help someone recognize God's love for them?
  • Has there been a time where it has been difficult to show Christ's love for another person?
  • Are there things you are thankful for (situations or struggles) that we can pray about together?
  • Close with the Lord's Prayer.
 I was blessed to be in a very interactive, open small group.

There are many ways you can participate; many representations of AGAPE (God's unconditional LOVE) that you can contribute to help this weekend show 42 residents they are loved!
  • Prayer:  We will have a prayer vigil list where you can sign up for 30 minutes increments to cover the weekend in prayer.
  • Prayer Chain:  Your first name on a link in this chain which literally surrounds our Community Room with prayer.
  • Cookies!!  Homemade cookies all of which include the most important ingredient which is prayer.
    • more to come in future weeks about cookies.
    • If you do not bake, we also needs salty snacks, chips, doritos, cheetos, etc
  • Placemats: Decorate a placemat to be used for meals with pictures, Scripture.  Sign with your first name only.  If decorated by a child, first name and age.  You cannot imagine the smiles and happy tears these bring.
  • Notes of encouragement:  Addressed to "Dear Sister in Christ" in unsealed envelope.  
  • Posters:  Great for a Sunday School Class.
  • Green Agape:  Yes, money.  It is estimated it costs $200 per resident to do a weekend.  Your donations of any amount is welcome.  
In future weeks I will give more detail on each representation of Agape.  We welcome your involvement in answering Jesus' charge in Matthew 25:36 to visit the imprisoned.

Peace & Blessings,