Sunday, February 23, 2014

Written (representations of) AGAPE

Tonight the youth of Mt Pleasant Presbyterian watched a short video about Kairos and then they wrote wonderful notes, made posters and created thoughtful, artistic placemats for me to take to the 36 participants of Kairos#50.
Thank you so much PYC!  I appreciate you time, attention and participation. I came home with stacks of notes and placemats.  

Edible (representations of) Agape - Cookies

AGAPE:  God's unconditional love.  We can share it with the participants in many ways.
One way you can share God's Abundant Love and Grace is with COOKIES!
The Kairos cookie ministry started early on to make the weekend a positive experience for the whole compound.  Each day a team of inside and outside volunteers bag thousands of cookies so that every resident and every officer receives a bag of cookies.  Each bag also contains a Scripture verse.

  • Don't forget the main ingredient is Prayer
  • Package the cookies carefully to prevent breakage.
  • Larger cookies are more likely to break, so smaller is better.
  • We cannot use any broken cookies, the message here is "You are important, special and deserve the best"
Not a baker?  No problem.  Bring us a big bag of some of these popular items:
  • Oreos are a favorite treat which is very scarce.
  • We also need some sugar free cookies
  • Salty snacks: goldfish crackers, chips, cheetos, etc. (not individual serving bags)

DROP OFF at MPPC Fellowship Hall Porch
The Net Service March 2
Wednesday Morning March 5 from 7am - 10am

Monday, February 10, 2014

Preparation continues for Kairos #50

We met on Saturday to continue our preparation for March 6-9 at Camille Griffin Graham.  We discussed the importance of humility, previewed talks, prayed, ate, laughed and shared.  It was a great day.  

If you are interested in attending the Closing Ceremony on March 9th.  You need to supply the following information to me by February 20th.
Name (as it appears on your driver's license)
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Driver's License Number

either comment here or email me at to send this information and let me know you are coming so I can give your more information.

Peace & Blessings,

Watch for more information on how YOU can participate in Kairos #50